Asphalt Overlay Tips and Info for Moreno Valley CA Property Owners

Asphalt Overlay Tips and Info for Moreno Valley CA Property Owners

When your asphalt has cracks and surface wear, you may wonder what kind of asphalt repair service can best fix it, but don’t worry because asphalt overlay can provide a brand new surface to a worn parking lot or road. That is, if you get it from a locally owned, experienced paving company like City Service Contracting.

To help our local property owners understand their pavement repair options, here’s our guide to a popular and cost-effective repair service: asphalt overlay.

Asphalt Overlay Tips and Info for California Property Owners

  • What is asphalt overlay, anyway? – This service involves thoroughly cleaning old, worn asphalt, applying an adhesive layer, and then applying a new layer of asphalt over top of it, creating a brand new surface.
  • What kind of damage does an overlay fix? – Overlay is meant to repair asphalt that has been repaired already or is older than a decade. This damage can’t go very deep, though, because overlay is just on the surface.
  • When is asphalt overlay not recommended? – Sometimes the damage to your parking lot or drive is too severe for an overlay to be useful. If the pavement has deep cracks, damage to the base layer, or has issues other than age or surface wear, an overlay simply isn’t enough. Damage will show or reflect through the new layer of asphalt.
  • What happens then? – A reputable pavement repair company can perform more intense repairs like patching, milling, resurfacing, or more.

City Service Contracting: Moreno Valley CA’s Asphalt Overlay Experts

With decades of experience in the paving industry, we’re positioned as the most reputable asphalt repair company in Moreno Valley and other Southern California communities. We have the asphalt experts to diagnose your pavement problems and the expertise to apply the most cost-effective services to fix it.

Contact City Service Contracting, Moreno Valley CA‘s most reputable paving company, to see if asphalt overlay is right for your pavement!

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